2 Baking apples
2 Pears ( I used Seckel that I had
gotten from my Bountiful Basket)
1/2c sugar
1/8 c cinnamon
Sugar Cookie Mix (prepared as directed)
Cinnamon Cornflakes about 2 c.
2 tbsp butter
Make Cookie Mix and press into greased baking dish. Thinly slice the fruit and place in a bowl. Mix sugar and Cinnamon together and sprinkle over sliced fruit. Shake well to coat all the slices.
Lay slices individually over the crust.
Pulverize the Corn Flakes, melt butter, mix together and sprinkle over the top.
Bake at 350 for 30 minutes, allow to cool for about 15 minutes before serving
Yes, this is a kids in the kitchen post and Bethany was very helpful making this...but once we sliced up the fruit and placed it in the crust, she was busy ...
It was too good looking not to try an apple of her own.
She was very good at adding the ingredients to the sugar cookie mix. Shaking to mix the cinnamon and sugar and laying the seasoned pieces in the crust.
As a side note, if I was to make this again, I would prebake the sugar cookie crust for at least 15 minutes. The crust absorbed some of the juices out of the fruit and they didn't bake up as soft as I like.
Let me know how it works for you!
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